Death of a salesman biff monologue
Death of a salesman biff monologue

This was the true start of Willy depression which eventually leads to his death. And there was a question in my mind as to whether selling had a future for me”. When I was a boy -eighteen, nineteen – I was already on the road. Willy didn’t take rejection lightly we can tell from the play how much Willy is begging even goes into his past trying to convince himself this is what he’s meant to do by saying “business is definitely business, but just listen for a minute. If I had a spot I’d slam you right in, but I just don’t have a single solitary spot”. Which is why Willy has many insecurities like when Ben offered Willy a job after Howard doesn’t allow Willy to work with him, “I appreciate that, Willy, but there just is no spot here for you. Let’s be honest here of course you can be happy for family but Willy being the younger brother would look up to Ben wanting to be like him. Willy would constantly compare himself to his brother Ben who has become successful. This is where Willy falls into his depression because Willy was very capable of achieving his goals although he felt he couldn’t because every time he attempted he would fail. When interpreting the American Dream I interpret it as being a privilege to be able to come into this country and having the power to do whatever you want. The American Dream is the ultimate Desire every man wants and uses it as a motivation and drive for the people of society. Willy dreamily imagines how beautiful it is in the West which indicate his desire to be the provider and to attain the freedom and success that he perceives the American Dream will give him. One of the key characteristics found in the beginning is the flute playing and its describing the images of the West by saying ‘telling of the grass, trees, and the horizon”.This is the start that hints to us The American Dream, which is Freedom, potential, and success, all of which correlate to the ideal landscape that the nineteenth century gave pride to. In many ways he can be seen as narcissistic Willy has a strong Desire to be the provider of the family he’s carries so much wait on his shoulders that it can be understood why he is the way he is. Physiologically speaking Willy is seen as narcissistic because of how he was brought up in his childhood, his defensive self esteem, his need to be well liked by everyone, and most importantly the need to be successful falls into line. American Dream in Death of a salesman has conveyed a deeper meaning of the American Dream by presenting Willy Lomans American dream to he be his ultimate goal in life in order to be liked and above all.

Death of a salesman biff monologue